Smartest Country in The World

smartest country in the world india rank

I argue here that instead of looking at the mean score, it is more important to look at which countries are performing best at the elite level. The reason this matters is because it is often overlooked that a country can have a lower mean ‘smarts’ score but also be home to more ‘smart’ people. In Country A all have ‘smarts’ of 110, whereas in Country B the 3 people have smarts of 80, 100, and 120. By most standard measures, we are led to believe that Country A is ‘smarter’. But if it requires a smart quotient of at least 115 to solve a puzzle, it will be Country B with the lower average ‘smarts’ score that will prevail.

  • Personally, I give myself a 7-8 out of 10 on a subjective happiness scale.
  • Rote learning and memorisation are fast losing value in an era increasingly relying on computers and robots.
  • However, in the current IQ the US comes a lowly 28th and school ranking a middling 13th – neither of which bodes well for its future ranking.

To skip our detailed analysis, you can go directly to see 5 smartest countries in the world. No huge surprise given the IQ rankings, but Asia takes the top five spots for pupils achieving an advanced score at school. Russia takes the best of the rest medal in sixth spot while the US comes in at 13th. The UK is nowhere to be seen but if there’s one surprise on the list, it’s most likely Kazakhstan in ninth. In the ICI study, the United States ranked number one and was the only nation to receive an A+ rating.

Overall, a country’s intelligence is a complex and multifaceted concept that requires a range of measures to accurately capture and understand. In second place, the United Kingdom performs extremely well for both the quality of education and elite cognitive skills. With a score nearly identical to that of U.K., Germany places third, with strong showings for quality of education.


Thus, the general thinking-ability can be influenced by each individual within a certain framework. However, this possibility decreases considerably with increasing age. Additionally, part of the intelligence is inherited by the mother and father. With an average IQ of 97 points, the USA ranks 29th in this ranking. With 106 points, the inhabitants of Hong Kong reach the highest intelligence quotas worldwide. Canada ranks highly in both total number of patents issues and the number of patents per million.

Situated in East Asia, these four wealthy nations have prominent urban centers where the majority of the population lives and a strong market economy. In fact, these five nations are the smartest countries in the world because they have abundantly invested in education. They built robust basic education systems and higher education programs, they created effective early reading programs and other skills programs. The following smartest countries are South Korea, ranked sixth, Belarus, ranked seventh, Finland, ranked eighth, Liechtenstein, ranked ninth, and Germany, which is the tenth smartest country in the world. These nations are also renowned for their exceptional educational systems and have high literacy and comprehension levels, Belarus for example has a literacy rate of 99.7%.

Smartest Countries In the World

Personally, I give myself a 7-8 out of 10 on a subjective happiness scale. It is really the freedom to do what I want that makes me the happiest. The people smartest country in the world india rank are friendly and the cost of living is relatively low. The per capita GDP is about $32,000 and provides for about $59,300 in purchasing power parity.

smartest country in the world india rank

I lived in Taiwan for four years, Malaysia for four years, Japan for two years, and China for six months. I also visited Hong Kong over 20 times, visited Singapore over 10 times, and visited South Korea two times. INSEAD does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, colour, or national or ethnic origin. In any case, what the index tries to measure is where the next bright idea will emerge. Given the political and geographic dynamics of the world, bright ideas and minds that originate in one country are often developed or bloomed in the USA. Very good question/comment, and indeed Israel is a very special case.

Smartest Countries 2022

Technological innovation has been at the forefront of this development, adding trillions of dollars to the global economy each year. Just consider, in 66 years, humans went from flying the first ever plane briefly to landing on the moon. Just a few decades ago, a computer with way less processing power than the phone in your pocket would take up an entire room. In this article, we will be taking a look at the 25 smartest countries in the world.

The 10 smartest countries based on math and science – Business Insider

The 10 smartest countries based on math and science.

Posted: Wed, 13 May 2015 07:00:00 GMT [source]

How is the IQ of one country or nation even measured, you may wonder? Researchers usually take part of the population as an experimental base (as they cannot approach all the people) and calculate its average IQ. In this particular matter, IQ is usually measured by using logical and mathematical reasoning tests. You have done those tests at least once in your life during primary or high school, or sometimes even as a job prerequisite, right? On individual level or in a smaller group it is quite easier to get to know one’s IQ.


The UK placed 17th for IQ and 30th for education but had the second-most Nobel Prize winners. Because of this, some research compares IQ levels across nations based on their educational attainment. Intelligent people tend to emerge from societies with well-developed educational systems, and this relationship between education and intelligence has been established for many decades now. Therefore, as the smartest countries get wealthier, they should get happier as well. There will no longer be as much need to work long hours to try and get ahead.

smartest country in the world india rank

In this sense, global political movements limiting migration (e.g. Brexit) may impede the ability of countries to take advantage of the global talent pool. For instance, if the U.S. had closed its borders to the Brin family when they immigrated in the 1970s, the U.S. – and the world – would have missed out on Google and possibly even the development of Silicon Valley. In that regard, French President Emmanuel Macron’s invitation to the world’s scientists to come to France (ICI rank 16) is a step in the right direction for its ascendency as a hub for smart people. While France doesn’t rank highly in any of our criteria, it has managed average ranks in all of our criteria and thus earned a high spot in our list of the smartest countries in the world. The nation is continually ramping up its ability to innovate, increasing such capacities which is helping strengthen a major global economy. The IQ ranking that we use on this page comes from the study titled The Intelligence of Nations conducted by Richard Lynn and David Becker is a comprehensive analysis of intelligence test scores from 113 countries.

The Relationship Between Education and Intelligence

As for living in one of the smartest countries, I feel like Singapore and Taipei, Taiwan offer the best environments for families. Even though the smartest countries in the world supposedly aren’t the happiest, the happiest countries in the world are also some of the smartest. Below is a list of the smartest countries in the world as measured by average IQ number. INSEAD is indeed right in pushing its student body to be proficient in a second or third language, as multilingualism is important in our globalised world. If there is an English bias in the GMAT score, a better place to look is at the quantitative or other non-English-reliant scores of the GMAT to gauge which schools are attracting the ‘smartest’ people.

Coming in second place was the United Kingdom, followed by Germany in third place. Other high-ranking nations on the ICI include Australia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Finland, and Denmark. Determining which countries are the smartest in the world is difficult because there are so many different factors that can be considered. Because so many criteria may be considered, determining which nations are the most intelligent in the world is challenging.

In many metrics, Singapore is considered to be among the countries with the best education in the world and is a hub for many major companies which has allowed it to be counted among the smartest countries in the world. The average IQ is measured in almost every country in the world, which makes it a useful tool to compare a country’s population intelligence to another. But more than just assessing a population’s intelligence, the average IQ also plays a role in understanding the overall well-being of a nation. Of the 76 countries ranked, the top half is largely dominated by Asian nations, the BBC reports.

Education and Intelligence

Australia places fourth owing to its top scores for elite cognitive skills and openness to immigration. Ranking fifth, Singapore is also well known for its high scores on standardised tests (e.g. PISA) and its ability to attract top foreign talent. Its performance is outstanding given that some ICI indicators (e.g. the number of top 500 universities) explicitly favour big countries (as large countries are better able to create clusters of excellence).

smartest country in the world india rank

His sharp mind would have excelled anywhere, but it was the intellectual and entrepreneurial environment of Stanford that enabled Brin’s full talent to blossom. With a national IQ score of 106.48, Japan is the smartest country in the world, and it is for many reasons. First, Japan is a world-leading country and the third-largest economy.

Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Finland and Denmark round out the top 10 smartest countries, with typically high scores on the aspects of creativity and attractiveness for immigrants. In the smartest countries in the world, it is common for adult children to live at home with their parents until they get married and start families. Therefore, it is possible a lack of independence due to financial constraints is also keeping happiness down.

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